Self Portrait, Glacier National Park.
I am smiling.  ;)

When making portraits of natural subjects I try to avoid anything that shows the hand of man or causes wildlife to change their behavior because of my presence.  But phone lines, power poles, jet trails, litter, cell towers, passing cars, and light pollution happen, wild animals’ job descriptions require them to be smart and wary, so sometimes it’s just not possible to get the shot I wanted.  Sometimes a better shot presents itself.

For me the print is ultimate product of photography.  It is only through printing that a photograph allows me to express my artistic vision and intent and share that vision with others.  I love the digital world of photography for the ability to share pictures quickly and broadly, but viewing a picture on a monitor is a distant second to viewing a well-crafted print in person.

I am saddened and concerned that so many of Earth’s beautiful spirits are threatened, endangered, or simply gone forever due to my species’ thoughtless impacts on our planet.  We have a lot to answer for.  I believe that life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness should apply equally to all of nature and that we humans have greatly overstepped our place in the world.  My objective is to increase awareness of the natural world and create a connection to my subjects in others through my photographs in the hope that we can come together to make the changes necessary to heal our planet before the damage we have caused and continue to inflict becomes irreversible, and before any more of Earth’s spirits, including ours, are lost forever.

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